Thursday, March 5, 2020

Move In - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Move In - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Move InInfinitive form: Move InPresent Tense: Move In/ Moves Ining form: Moving InPast tense: Moved In Participle: Moved InMove In is a separable English phrasal verb. It can be used in the following ways:When you bring your personal belongings and stuff to a new place where you will live. The English phrase Moving Into can be used alternatively in this case. The term Move Out is the antonym of Move In.1. My friends are all excited because they will be moving into a spacious apartment next month.2. Once a couple gets married, they would naturally move in together right away.When you move something into a place, you take something in1. Dylans family moved all their furniture in really fast.2. Jack needs help in moving all the stuff into his new pad.When you move all your belongings and live with people1. We will move out of this dump and move in with my family soon.2. Once my sister moves right in with me, I can finally rest and go on vacation.The tr ailer below for the movie Someone Like You features Hugh Jackman in a much milder role than Wolverine, and uses Move In 3 times.Exercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:Jane: My apartments been re-rented and I have got to be out of here by Monday!Eddie: Why dont you ____ __ with me?Man 2: Youre ______ __ with Eddie?Jane: The place I was supposed to ____ ____ just suddenly fell apart.What does the sentence above mean?Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Move In.1. Can you please make up your mind as to when you are ____ __ so that I could inform the landlord?2. The place around the corner looks really good. If given a chance, Id _____ __ there at moments notice.3. He cant seem to make up his mind whether he should move out for good, or if he should ____ back __.4. ____ __ is a pretty big step. Are you sure you want to do this?5. Carl says he will be moving in with his girlfriend ____ __ next year.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

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